Mark Jindrak
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28th March 2001 - My thoughts on the WWF buying WCW

Its all you have seen and read about on the net but he it goes - My thoughts on the WWF buying WCW. I think it has the makings of being the HOTTEST time period in wrestling. With Vince in charge of the WWF and Shane with WCW. Its going to be AWESOME.

Its also a good think that Sanders, Jindrak and O'Haire are all still apart of WCW, and with a McMahon looking after their careers its all good. The McMahons have always known how to market younger talent, and with alot of the big name stars in doubt its time for the younger guys to shine AGAIN. When Russo gave Mike Sanders and the Natural Born Thrillers the 7 minute promo back in August 2000 it was because WCW were looking for someone or something to pick the shows up, and in my view he found it that night. You had an unknown guy cutting a great promo to introduce the Natural Born Thrillers to the world and week after week they annoyed fans where ever they went.

But as you know the NBT was disbanned and 50% of the guys are now being used while the others are sitting at home being used very little. Hopefully we will see Mark Jindrak back doing what he does best because out of all of them this guy has the brightest future and with the right push could be huge in either company. Mike Sanders is a SUPERSTAR just waiting to happen. I think he would be more suited in the WWF where it seems mic skills are the most important skill you could have. Sean O'Haire I feel should stay in WCW because he is still developing his mat skills and his mic skills aren't the greatest, when they are fully developed WATCH OUT!

18th March 2001 - OK, What is going on?
26th February 2001 - The After marth of SuperBrawl
6th Febuary 2001 - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak?

Site has been open Since: November 18th 2000