After being fired and re hired. Mike Sanders is proving that he belongs in the WCW Spotlight.
On May 18th 2000, the same day his son Kenny turned 7 years old, Mike Sanders received the ultimate professional rejection. Paul Orndorff, head of World Championship Wrestling Power Plant, called Sanders into his office and informed him that despite his hard work his contract wouldn't be renewed. He was fired, cycled out with in 90 days.
Yeah this was the same Mike Sanders who now stands among the fans most hated on the WCW talent roster. My, how things have changed for Sanders: Fired in May 2000 and now a featured player in 2001.
"I think I'm doing pretty good" he said smiling "I think I've got a pretty good spot, I couldn't ask for a better opportunity. I'm not going to say that I don't deserve to be where I'm at. I think everyone who works hard deserves what he or she gets. And I think I have pretty worked hard, so I deserve to be here especially after being fired in May"
Sanders worked on the R&B Security unit for several weeks after being fired. He weighed his options and evaluated his future. Sure, he was close to the scene, close to the game but he was still on the bench, so to speak. Enter Vince Russo and Terry Taylor. They liked what they saw during a Sanders match, and they didn't understand why he had been fired. Sanders was rehired on the 18th June 2000.
"I think they might have seen something that Orndorff didn't see," Sanders said "At the same time I'm not a slacker, so I don't sit back and wait for things to happen. I push myself to get better, when you push forth the effort, you should be rewarded."
With a new contract in his hand, Sanders set out to prove he belonged - to Russo, Taylor, himself and of course, Orndorff. Was he bitter? Sure, Sanders had some bitterness - and probably still does. But he hasn't had much time to dwell on it.
The Natural Born Thrillers emerged shortly there after, with Sanders clearly serving as the focal point. Sanders isn't as muscle-laden as Sean O'Haire. The other such as Chuck Pulumbo and Reno do have built bodies, they, as Sanders says so eloquently are "Genetically Jacked". He on the other hand, stands 6' 1 and weighs 230 pounds. He is just an average 31 year old father of two and if that means a few buffalo wings with the kids, so be it.
Quick Sanders Bio
Michael Edwin Neil Sanders was born in July 20, 1969, and names after the first three astronauts to land on the moon. He graduated from Christian Academy in Smyrna, Ga. in 1987. He was a three sport prep athlete in Football, basketball and baseball and has six years of Martial Arts training. Sanders attended the University of Maryland and spent time in the U.S Army.
"I never envisioned being in this spot I'm in now. I've always thought I have something to give to people, but I never thought it would be this caliber and this soon. I never thought it would come this quick." Sanders said. "Being as far along as I am, in such a short time as I have been in the business, man, I never thought I'd be this far. But I am glad I am and I'm gonna try to capitalize on it.
Coach Nash On and Off Camera
The on-screen feud between Sanders and Kevin Nash when the rd light turns off. In fact, the bitterness WCW fans have seen between the two - both physical and verbal couldn't be rather from reality. If Nash is hanging out in a hotel bar odds are Sanders is nearby. If Nash is eating on the road at Cracker Barrel, Sanders is probably at the same table. The two have almost become joined at the hip, off camera of course.
"Kevin has been on of the most influential guys on my career. I have learned more in the past two or three months on the road then over my entire three years in the business" Sanders said. "He has plethora of knowledge. I've watched him take some of the most screwed up situations they've given us, and made them work to where they are fun. He makes things work and make 'em cool."
The Sanders-Nash bond formed Labor Day weekend in Cincinnati during a series of independent shows Les Thatcher. Mark Jindrak and Pulumbo were also along for the series. By the weekends end four had bonded like they were life long friends rather then new business associates. They talked laughed chugged a few beverages (ok maybe more then a few) and established common respect and friendship.
Nash was obviously, but never once then or now did he treat the rookies like rookies. It was simply four friends hangout out and having fun. "He taught us how to relax and have a good time." Sanders said of the Cincinnati experience. "We take our work seriously, but he showed us that point where work has to be fun. And if your not having, why are you doing it?"
"Cincinnati was a very good learning experience. It was the most fun I've had in this business, aside from a few experiences overseas. We all let loose and have fun."
The Sanders-Nash bond solidified over the fall and early winter of 2000 during memorable times in Australia, England, Germany and statewide. Wherever Nash went Sanders was close behind. Clearly, a big brother-little brother bond was formed.
"Kevin has taught all The Thrillers a lot - and for that I'm ever-grateful," Sanders said. "If [WCW] said, 'Hey Sanders, we're gonna put you with some veterans to teach you the ropes, to give you the rub and make you better at your craft,' I'd have to say I'd want to learn from Nash and [Diamond Dallas] Page. And I think most of the Thrillers would say those two too."
However, the DDP-Sanders relationship almost exploded before takeoff. Back in Cincinnati last september, DDP was there for a day, and he told Sanders and the rest of the rookies that, upon his return to the ring, he was planning to use several catchphrases the he predicted would be the next big lines in the business. Page told them his plans for, "You're gonna be SOL, and you know what that means," and "What did you say? What the hell did you just say?"
Sanders promptly stole the phrases, as a joke, on doubt with some prodding Nash. Today, there are SOL signs in the crowd at Nitro directed at Sanders, not DDP.
"It's harmless fun; it's fun," Sanders said, laughing.
Feeling the heat
One thing that hasn't always been fun for Sanders over the past few months is internal heat. Getting the push that he has - cruiserweight champion and commissioner, among other perks for a rookie - definitely makes other jealous. Sanders and the rest of The Thrillers are also often berated for being pushed down the fans' throats.
Are they out there too much, too soon.
"When you're dealing with the things that we have to deal with in this company, at this point in our careers, we have no choice. The way I compare it is, it's not like being in the World Wrestling Federation, where you may go to Memphis and learn your craft [in a developmental organization]," he said. "I'm not gonna bitch about my position. I'm not gonna say I'm bought in too fast, too soon. I think the Thrillers are going good.
"Some of the veterans were hot at me and the others, especially Jindrak, early on. I think we were a little misunderstood. We just have a new way of ribbing, [which is] the way we act. It's who we are. I think a lot of it came form us being put out there and the people we were put with.
"I know anytime you get a push like we got and the rub like we got, others are going to be jealous, and It's gonna lead to heat. Bottom line, I'm trying to put money in the bank and food on the table.
"The heat has cooled down, at laest towards me, though I'm sure some still have animosity towards us. I have long been told, 'Stay who you are,' and that's what I'm gonna do. If the editing department has to block out the chants of 'Asshole,' so be it; that's my job and that's me. To me, that's an accomplishment."
O'Haire says he couldn't stand Sanders when the two first met, and now they're teammates. Neither could Nash, and now they are best friends.
So who is the real Mike Sanders?
"What you see is what you get," he answered. "I guess I have a knack for talking; that's my gift. I think I can wrestle with anyone. However, I think I'm still missing something to get to the next level. I've worked real jobs before; things haven't been handed to me. I'm not gonna change just to please people.
"I'm having the time of my life, maybe too much life…and I don't want things to change."