6th February 2001 - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak?
When Sean O'Haire and Chuck Pulumbo won the Tag Team Titles at WCW's January Pay Per View Sin, what was supposed to happen to there now former tag team partners, who had won the titles with them in 2000?
Now with what seems to be the end of the Natural Born Thrillers, Sean O'Haire and Chuck Pulumbo will defend the tag team titles againest fellow Thrillers Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak at SuperBrawl 2001 entitled Revenge. It is safe to say that WCW is concentrating on the careers of Sean O'Haire and Chuck Pulumbo and by keeping the tag titles on them it will keep the two in the spotlight. But what is going to happen to Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak? Will this hold them back or will this elevate their careers?
I hope that WCW dont treat Mark and Shawn the same way they have treated Buff Bagwell. Buff excelled in the Tag Team ranks in the early to mid 90s. He looked like he would be a main player. Then he was inclued in the nWo, got lost in the shuffle when WCW changed direction. Then for 2 years they pushed him then when it seems like he might break though they stopped the push. Its frustrating for the fans and I cant imagine how frustrating for the wrestler.
How does the Buff story relate to Mark and Shawn? Both Mark and Shawn have had the push and recently it seems like their push has slowed down. And with the new management taking over WCW, who knows they could be pushed aside, "to be used later"
6th Febuary 2001 - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak?