26th February 2001 - The After marth of SuperBrawl
We all knew that the Natural Born Thrillers were not going to last as a group. They would only be together until there were comfortable infront of a live crowd. In the process of 7 seven months the NBT are now mayor players in WCW, well a few of them are.
Since SuperBrawl 2001 Sean O'Haire and Chuck Pulumbo are now thrown in to mayor story lines with Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell. And we all now what Sanders is doing. Shawn Stasiak has been seen on TV, but where has Jindrak been. I must admit I dont know if he is injuried, I hasn't read any reports stating that. Or is it that WCW dont know what to do with him at the moment?
Here is my view on the matter. There a rumors that the Hardcore title will be taken away and the TV title will be brought back. Why dont they give the title to Mark Jindrak. Yes he is green but so are the Tag Team Champs! Jindrak has what it takes to be HUGE in this game, looks, wrestling ability, and he isnt that bad on the mic. I'm not saying that WCW have to ram him in our faces, and have him as the World Champ in 9 months, like they did with Goldberg. Slowly build him up to the point where he can win mayor titles in WCW and the fans can say "Yeah his worked his way up to this" the same way fans reacted to Bookers T's win at Bash at the beach 2000.
26th February 2001 - The After marth of SuperBrawl
6th Febuary 2001 - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak?