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18th March 2001 - OK, What is going on?

What a difference a month makes. As you all know this site focuses on Jindrak, O'Haire and Sanders, I am a fan of Pulumbo and Stasiak and you will find that some weeks the commentary will be on them. My first commentary was - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak? and one section I think I need to bring up again.

"It is safe to say that WCW is concentrating on the careers of Sean O'Haire and Chuck Pulumbo and by keeping the tag titles on them it will keep the two in the spotlight. But what is going to happen to Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak? Will this hold them back or will this elevate their careers?"

I think a more accurate quote would have been "What is going to happen to Mark Jindrak and MIKE SANDERS?" Since SuperBrawl we have seen Mark for all of 5 mintues on TV. And since SIN Mikes role has been very brief. I feel WCW is going down the wrong road yet AGAIN. They have brough in Kid Romeo, given him the push and really who wants to see him. Sanders, Romeo - Romeo, Sanders, I know what my pick would be. Mike has been paired up with Disqo. Even though it will be very entertaining, its really not going to get Mike back into the main picture.

I really like where Shawn Stasiak's gimmick is going it is so him and he plays it so well, I hope big things come to him in the future, there is rumors that WCW gold could be in store for him in the future - I hope so.

18th March 2001 - OK, What is going on?
26th February 2001 - The After marth of SuperBrawl
6th Febuary 2001 - What will happen with Jindrak and Stasiak?

Site has been open Since: November 18th 2000